Cleaners & Sealers Select a Category PROSOCO SURE KLEAN CLEANERSEACO CHEM CLEANERSDIEDRICH CLEANERSPROSOCO SURE KLEAN SEALERS PROSOCO SURE KLEAN CLEANERS Back to Top Sure Klean 101 Lime SolventSure Klean 600 DetergentSure Klean Asphalt & Tar RemoverSure Klean Concrete CleanerSure Klean Dicone NC9Sure Klean 2010 All Surface CleanerSure Klean Heavy Duty Paint StripperSure Klean Oil & Grease Stain RemoverSure Klean 101 Lime Solvent Sure Klean 101 Lime Solvent is a concentrated acidic cleaner for dark-colored brick and tile surfaces which are not subject to metallic oxidation. It safely removes excess mortar and construction dirt. HFS Product Code: SUR-101LS-1 Quote | TDS | SDS (1 Gallon) SUR-101LS-5 Quote | TDS | SDS (5 Gallon) Sure Klean 600 Detergent Sure Klean 600 is a general-purpose, concentrated acidic cleaner that dissolves mortar smears and construction dirt quickly, leaving the masonry clean and uniform with no acid burning or streaking. 600 is the No. 1-selling proprietary cleaner for new masonry and is recommended by many brick, block, tile and mortar manufacturers. HFS Product Code: SUR-600DET-1 Quote | TDS | SDS (1 Gallon) SUR-600DET-5 Quote | TDS | SDS (5 Gallon) Sure Klean Asphalt & Tar Remover Sure Klean Asphalt & Tar Remover is a multi-purpose solvent cleaner for masonry and concrete. Easy to apply and water-rinsable, Asphalt & Tar remover is ideal for cleaning and surface preparation. It will not damage most masonry or concrete. It removes asphalt, tar (roofer’s stain), grease, hydraulic oil and motor oil. HFS Product Code: SUR-ATR-1 Quote | TDS | SDS (1 Gallon) SUR-ATR-5 Quote | TDS | SDS (5 Gallon) Sure Klean Concrete Cleaner Sure Klean Concrete Cleaner removes concrete splashes, excess mortar, retarders, heavy efflorescence, embedded stains, rust and surface soiling from textured concrete surfaces. HFS Product Code: SUR-CCHD-1 Quote | TDS | SDS (1 Gallon) SUR-CCHD-5 Quote | TDS | SDS (5 Gallon) SUR-CCLD-1 Quote | TDS | SDS (1 Gallon) SUR-CCLD-5 Quote | TDS | SDS (5 Gallon) Sure Klean Dicone NC9 Sure Klean Dicone NC9 is a specially formulated, liquid silicone “digestant” for removing silicone-based sealants and adhesives, cured silicone elastomers and silicone water repellent overspray. Dicone NC9 dissolves cured silicone resins and polymers with a non-flammable, non-chlorinated and non-aromatic cleaning solution. HFS Product Code: SUR-DICNC9-1 Quote | TDS | SDS (1 Gallon) SUR-DICNC9-5 Quote | TDS | SDS (5 Gallon) Sure Klean 2010 All Surface Cleaner Sure Klean 2010 All Surface Cleaner is a cleaner and degreaser for light-to-heavily soiled stone, tile, masonry and concrete. Powerful enough for industrial use, flexible enough for home use, versatile 2010 replaces a host of individual cleaning agents. HFS Product Code: SUR-EK2010-1 Quote | TDS | SDS (1 Gallon) SUR-EK2010-5 Quote | TDS | SDS (5 Gallon) Sure Klean Heavy Duty Paint Stripper Sure Klean Heavy Duty Paint Stripper removes multiple layers of paint and graffiti from masonry surfaces. This slow-working, extended-contact remover remains active for 24 hours. Just one application dissolves heavy accumulations of paint, restoring old masonry to its original appearance. HFS Product Code: SUR-HDPS-1 Quote | TDS | SDS (1 Gallon) SUR-HDPS-5 Quote | TDS | SDS (5 Gallon) Sure Klean Oil & Grease Stain Remover Sure Klean Oil & Grease Stain Remover is a poultice cleaner for pulling stubborn oil and grease stains out of pavers, concrete, stone and other porous surfaces. After pouring Oil & Grease Stain Remover onto an embedded stain, it spreads out to make an instant poultice – no mixing, troweling, plastic covering or tape needed. As the poultice dries, it pulls the contaminants out of the substrate. HFS Product Code: SUR-CDOGSR-1 Quote | TDS | SDS (1 Gallon) EACO CHEM CLEANERS EF-FortlessNMD-80EF-Fortless EaCo Chem EF-Fortless is a truly remarkable soap solution that melts away powdery efflorescence and haze from clean-up efflorescence, and helps to control its return. This product is mildly acidic and great for use on color sensitive surfaces, since it will not discolor brick, block or mortar. It can be used on slurry-dyed block and similar substrates. HFS Product Code: EC-EFFORTLES-1 Quote | TDS | SDS (1 Gallon) EC-EFFORTLES-5 Quote | TDS | SDS (5 Gallon) NMD-80 EaCo Chem NMD 80 is a powerful detergent-based solution designed for safe and effective removal of mortar smears and efflorescence from masonry surfaces. It can be used on all masonry substrates including brick, stone, synthetic stone, precast concrete, designer or colored block. HFS Product Code: EC-NMD80-5 Quote | TDS | SDS (5 Gallon) EC-NMD80-55 Quote | TDS | SDS (55 Gallon) DIEDRICH CLEANERS Back to Top Diedrich 202Diedrich 606Diedrich 202 Diedrich 202 New Masonry Detergent is a combination of organic and inorganic acids, wetting agents and inhibitors for use in the final clean up of new masonry. It efficiently cleans off residual mortar, day to day soiling, and staining that occurs on job sites. HFS Product Code: DT-202NMD-1 Quote | TDS | SDS (1 Gallon) DT-202NMD-5 Quote | TDS | SDS (5 Gallon) Diedrich 606 Diedrich 606/606X Paint Removers are thixotropic alkaline compounds blended with special wetting agents and surfactants designed to remove oil base, latex, and lead based paints from exterior surfaces under normal conditions. HFS Product Code: DT-606MLPR-1 Quote | TDS | SDS (1 Gallon) DT-606MLPR-5 Quote | TDS | SDS (5 Gallon) PROSOCO SURE KLEAN SEALERS Back to Top Sure Klean SLX Water & Oil RepellentSure Klean Consolideck SaltguardSure Klean Paver Kare Deep Sheen WBSure Klean SLX Water & Oil Repellent Sure Klean SLX100 Water & Oil Repellent prevents staining by waterborne and oily substances on most substrates. This modified “neat” silane system offers invisible protection and low volatility. HFS Product Code: SUR-CDSLX100-1 Quote | TDS | SDS (1 Gallon) SUR-CDSLX100-5 Quote | TDS | SDS (5 Gallon) Sure Klean Consolideck Saltguard Sure Klean Saltguard is a solvent-based, general-purpose, silane/siloxane water repellent and chloride screen for concrete and masonry, including concrete block, and clay and concrete brick surfaces. Saltguard protects horizontal and vertical surfaces from moisture intrusion and chemical attack of chloride salts, reducing rebar corrosion and surface spalling. HFS Product Code: SUR-CSGWB-1 Quote | TDS | SDS (1 Gallon) SUR-CSGWB-5 Quote | TDS | SDS (5 Gallon) Sure Klean Paver Kare Deep Sheen WB PROSOCO Paver Kare® Deep Sheen WB is a protective treatment for interior or exterior concrete, clay and stone pavers. This durable, waterborne protective treatment weather and stain proofs new or newly cleaned pavers, giving them a premium, vibrant gloss and shine. Deep Sheen WB’s glossy finish guards pavers from etching and staining from acidic and alkaline contaminants, including food, drinks, cleaning chemicals and more. HFS Product Code: SUR-P.K.DEEP SHEEN WB-1 Quote | TDS | SDS (1 Gallon) SUR-P.K.DEEP SHEEN WB-5 Quote | TDS | SDS (5 Gallon)